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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Best Meal Of Your Life (Part 4): Entree

It has been suggested by one of my readers that I remind y'all at the beginnings of new posts in a series that it will all make better sense if you read the parts of this series in chronological order. I encourage you to do just that, so that you have a better grasp of the bigger picture. We are now on Part 4 of this 5-part blog serial, so you have only to scroll down to see parts 1 through 3.


So to review, we've now made it through the Appetizer, the Salad, and the Intermezzo, and now we've reached the real "meat and potatoes" of the relationship (see what I did there?). An Entree is  commonly mistaken as just the "meat" part of the "main" course. But actually, an Entree is a fully composed dish, usually containing a protein element, a starch of some kind, a vegetable and often some sauce or flavoring element. This course makes up the bulk of a healthy dating relationship. This is all the time after the initial 3 courses during which you and your partner will revisit the same benefits of the appetizer and salad, but more muddled together and in a larger portion. 

You will start incorporating "healthy" vegetable elements that aren't necessarily your favorite part of the dish, and you would be even less inclined to eat them on your own, but they make the course better as a whole- these are those moments like when one person gets sick, and it's not good per se, but it's kind of it's own special sweet moment, because they don't have to be sick and also alone, and their partner gets to tend to them and feel responsible and supportive and helpful. These are also those sad life moments that aren't nearly so bad because you have someone there to sit through them with you. 

The "starch", like mashed potatoes or grits, of a relationship are all those sort of mundane, quiet, "normal" moments- sitting on the couch watching tv together or texting each other at work, giving each other rides to and from the auto-shop, things like that. These things are a big part of a relationship, and to some people they can actually be their favorite part, while others consider them just a necessary filler. 

The Meat of a relationship is what it sounds like, you continue getting to know each other, building trust, understanding one another's more subtle, special nuances. Essential, enjoyable, sometimes really heavy. 

I'll touch on the sauce and the seasonings if only because I love how even the tiniest details of this metaphor really fit quite nicely on both sides of it. The sauces, salad dressings, garnishes and seasonings of a relationship (for the purposes of MY metaphor anyway) are the physical stuff. Each course has some seasoning or garnish or sauce, but when it's done right it's exactly enough, which is often much less than people might originally think. If you think about a meal, there tends to be more dressing on the salad than sauce on the appetizer, and more sauces, garnishes and seasonings on the entree than on the salad. BUT as many great chefs have said, "more tossing, less dressing- that makes all the difference!". You can't make a whole meal out of sauce- it should be the extra special added bonus that really makes a dish sing- but a dish would also be pretty bland and boring without it! I know that I have some Christian friends who refrain from almost any physical contact at all in their relationships. I understand their reasoning, and respect their self control, but I do believe that ultimately physicality, even sexuality are vitally important to the balance of a healthy relationship, and touch does have it's place. I'm not going to use this opportunity to impose my specific personal preferences about the physical progression of a romantic relationship, but what I hope you take away from this is to start with a veeeery little and add just a bit at a time, because when you have just the right amount of seasoning, it'll be the best meal of your life, but if you add too much, it becomes unpalatable, and you're not likely to finish.

Only one part left to this series, and it's probably going to be the best of all of them! I'll be addressing everyone's favorite course of all, (Dessert) and I'll finally reveal my AMAZING super-duper-top-secret final element that is absolutely essential to every meal, every relationship (romantic or otherwise). I know I'm excited, so I hope you'll come back for more. 

*** A side note to my married readers, and those who have made it "to the entrees"- I would love any feedback y'all might have about this series; do you agree? disagree? have any minor alterations you would add or even entire courses? I'm curious if my concept has held true for those who have actually successfully reached the end of the meal... So thanks in advance!

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